Life without mathematics is impossible and unimaginable.
There are things which seem incredible to most men who have not studied mathematics.” as said by Aristotle.
Mathematics is a universal language mutual to all individuals, irrespective of their culture, religion, or gender, and followed all over the world in same manner without any deviation in every sphere of life.
“The Universe is a grand book which cannot be read until one first learns to comprehend the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is composed. It is written in the language of mathematics…” as commented by Galileo Galilee.
At a higher level, mathematics helps in developing an analytic bent of mind and aids in better organization of ideas and appropriate expression of thoughts. However at a more general level, , the importance of mathematics for a common man is somehow used, whenever he visits banks, shopping malls, post offices, or deals with business transactions, trade and commerce. We add mathematics to some of our recreational activities, like puzzles, riddles, and so on.
Living a life without knowing 'Maths' would be like living in null and void. In real life the use of Mathematics can be applicable to every aspect, field, profession and subject like in IT field, in Statistics, in Accounts, in Algebra, in Geometry etc. Precisely it can be said that Mathematics can be used for calculations and finding variations within numbers, amounts, quantities etc; measurements of the frequencies of light, sound, and distance.
Mathematics is applied everywhere like in the economy of a country, construction of buildings, marking and evaluation of persons. Mathematics is at the core of all the technologies, it's used everywhere, in short, we are using mathematics in some form or another everywhere in our daily lives.
We can conclude from the above discussion that a modern life style is completely handicapped and highly improbable, in the absence of mathematics. Unless we are well versed with numbers, we would find it difficult to reach at important decisions and perform everyday tasks. Be it to shop wisely, or refashion a home within a budget, knowledge of mathematics holds the key, and hence, barely necessary.
“Mathematics is the gate and key of the sciences. …Neglect of mathematics works injury to all knowledge, since he who is ignorant of it cannot know the other sciences or the things of this world.” By Roger Bacon